In this paper, the structure of RPC, the curves of efficiency, counting rate, dark current, multiple hit and signal amplitude versus high voltage measured using cosmic ray are presented. 介绍了使用自制的材料制作的大面积阻性板探测器模型的结构和利用宇宙射线测量的效率曲线、单计数率曲线、暗电流曲线、多重计数和信号幅度随高压的变化曲线。
The evolution regularity of the second-order correlation function and average coincidence counting rate are obtained by numerical calculation. 数值计算得到了二阶相关函数及平均符合计数率的演化规律。
Double-checked the fuel gauge before taking off. Counting Rate Metre 起飞前核查燃料计量器计数率测量器,计数表
Counting Rate Metre Optical Instrument& Gauge Instrument Designing 计数率测量器,计数表光学仪器与计量仪器设计
Events By this method the counting rate is increased and the statistical error is decreased greatly. 用该方法大大提高了事件的计数率,明显地减少了统计误差。
By means of measuring amplitude response we can measure zero point, conversion factor and their stabilities. Integral non-linearity and peak position drift caused by changing of counting rate can also be measured. 通过测量幅度响应可以测定零点、变换系数及其稳定性,还可以测定积分非线性和计数率变化时引起的峰位漂移。
This method is called counting rate method. 我们把这个试验方法称为计数率法。
The low sensibility and the high dark count rate of traditional single-photon detectors which base on photomultiplier tube or avalanche photodiode limit the improvement of the signal noise ratio and the low counting rate limits the detecting speed and the dynamic range. 传统以光电倍增管或雪崩二极管为基础的单光子探测器的低灵敏度和高暗计数限制了信噪比的提高,低计数率限制了测量速度和动态范围。
The results show linear relationship between the colored protein samples with different concentrations and the counting rate of LSC. 结果表明:不同浓度的显色蛋白样品与仪器计数效率之间存在较好的线性关系。
This paper introduced some front end electronic circuit designs that can improve the counting rate performance of scintillation ECT system, including: delay line pulse clipping method, dynamic integration method and pile up prevention method. Finally, the comparison of their performance was presented. 介绍了几种可以提高ECT闪烁探测系统计数率性能的前放电路设计,包括延迟线斩波法(DLC)、动态积分法(DIM)和脉冲堆积防止法(PPM),并给出了它们的性能比较。
Conclusions Following an accident, the original counting rate of 24 Na γ at the top of head and B m, value of an individual receiving neutron fluences and neutron dose from nuclear fission can be used to estimate neutrons within a few hours. 结论对于裂变中子照射,在事故后利用头顶部位测量到的24Naγ初始计数率及Bm值可在几小时内估算出个人受照射的中子注量和剂量。
This paper describes various pulse shaping methods applying active filter, time variance filter and transversal filter to improve energe resolution of spectrometer at high counting rate. 本文介绍用有源滤波器、时变滤波器和横向滤波器等脉冲成形方法来提高能谱测量系统在高计数率条件下的能量分辨率。
The improved device was used to test Wen 31 oil pool, the counting rate was more than 80 pulse/ min. The cyclic anomaly was clearly reflected in plan, and negative anomaly was also measured. 改进后的装置在文31油藏的测试中,记数率平均达80脉冲/min以上,平面图上环状异常形态清楚,且测出了负异常。
According to the formula for converting decay count into counting rate of the initial point in the measuring interval, an iterative method and a program for analysing multi-component decay curves with correction for decay during the counting interval have been designed. 根据放射性核素在测量区间中的测量计数与该区间始点处的放射性活度的转换公式,提出了一个在测量区间中考虑衰变校正计算的迭代方法和多组分衰变曲线分析程序。
Pulse counting rate of gamma-ray measured by counter and dose rate have a non-linear relation. 计数管测量的Υ射线脉冲计数率与剂量率成非线性关系。
In this system, the background counting rate is 0.7/s and background efficiency ratio is 1.82/s for HPGe detector of 38.4% relative efficiency in 100~ 2 000 keV energy range. 在100~2000keV能区,相对效率为38.4%的HPGe探测器积分本底计数率为0.7/s,本底效率比为1.82/s;
The angular response, the radial differential response, the energy response and the distribution of neutron counting rate inside sphere cavity are measured, and the effective centre is estimated. 测量了角响应、径向微分响应、能量响应及球腔内中子计数率分布,并估算了有效中心。
The factors which influence the spacial resolution of the detector, the counting rate and the electron dispersion of the MCP are analyzed in theory. Based on these theories, configurations of the detector are designed. 对影响探测器空间分辨率的因素、光子计数速度、MCP的电子弥散等关键问题进行理论分析,并在此基础上进行WSZ多阳极探测器的整体结构设计和局部设计。
The counting rate of time non-variant random pulses is near 103 cps. 时不变快随机脉冲平均计数率可接近10~8cps。
The dark current and the counting rate have down to the 1/ 10 of its original level; 漏电流和计数率都降到了原来的1/10左右;
A formula on the relationship between the dead-time and the counting rate used for several kinds of GM counter is proposed, and a method fo linearize GM counter by microcomputer is provided. 文中给出适于几种GM计数管死时间τ和计数率n之间关系的表达式,因而提供一个通过微机使GM计数管线性化的方法。
This muon counting rate excess was very possibly caused by a directional solar proton beam produced in this flare. 这个μ子超出信号很可能是由这次耀斑产生的太阳高能质子引起的。
By the compare of Detection Efficiency, Counting Rate, Dark Current of eight RPCs with different resistivity, the qualitative relations between resistivity and RPC performances are gained. The optimized resistivity range for BES ⅲ muon detector running environment and RPC quality control is also offered. 通过对不同电阻率RPC的探测效率、计数率和暗电流的实验比较,给出电阻率与BPC性能的定性关系和适用于BESⅢμ探测器高性能RPC的优化电阻率范围。
The second-order degree of coherence as affected by photon counting rate and selected resolution time is investigated systematically. 通过改变计数率,调整分辨时间,系统地研究了光场二阶相干度测量值受实验条件的影响。
A new counting rate measurement and protection system used in research reactor 研究堆用的新型计数率测量保护统
The relation between the percent deadtime and the correction of counting rate losses for HPGe γ spectrometer system was found by using a strong γ source. Therefore, the activity measurement can be implemented at relatively high count rate, with this γ spectrometer. 用强源干扰找到了HPGeγ谱仪系统百分死时间与计数率丢失校正因子的关系,使该系统允许计数率大大提高,从而解决了放射性定量测量中的一些困难。
The slow neutron detectors move down and up in the tank and scan dynamic ally the material in different height. On the basis of the different slow neutron counting rate of gas, oil and water, the three-phase interface heights are determined. 慢中子探测器和中子源组成的探头在储油罐内升降移动,动态扫描不同高度的物料,根据气、油和水的慢中子计数率不同,测定出三相界面的高度;
For highly enriched uranium, the relationship between the coincidence neutron counting rate and the mass of the components is exponential, the maximum deviation of the fit mass is 12.16%, and the thickness of the components has become the greater impact factor. 而对于高浓铀,符合中子计数率与其质量近似成指数关系,拟合质量最大偏差为12.16%,且部件的厚度成为了更大的影响因素。